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Forum : Biler - mekanik
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Og for de nørdede: Because I am a RF engineer I wanted to know why the range is increased. There is a good reason for this effect: remotes work usually at a frequency of 432 MHz that means a wavelength of about 70cm. The remote itself is a very small device, therefore the antenna gain is low. If you point the remote to your chin, or as I do it to the forehead, you couple that low gain antenna to your body, which consists mainly of water and is a pretty good conductor. The result is a higher antenna efficiency. I tested it in the Lab, I had a test receiver in a distance of about 5 meters, close enough that I could read the display from that distance. The receive level at the test receiver increased by 15dB when I held that remote to my forehead. A level increase of 6dB equals a range doubling. 15 dB is therefore more than range doubling.
Lexus IS250 - Intelligent Sport
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