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Sv: Speeder problemer hos Toyota af Michael Eriksen
Hele denne diskussion handler om at USA hverken har fri abort eller hjernedødkriterium, og der derfor kører en masse idioter rundt derover. Der er heldigvis også en del eftertænksomme personer som bl.a. denne herre: "LugNut wrote: I agree with the others who suspect that the pedal may not be the actual problem. From an engineering standpoint, it just doesn't add up. A sticking pedal would cause a cruise-control-that-won't-cancel kind of problem: the car would keep going, but it wouldn't suddenly accelerate (unless someone were dumb enough to press the pedal to the floor to try to "un-stick" it ... but that's not "unintentional", then). Assuming the pedal stuck at highway speeds (in high gear), the engine would be turning pretty low revs and making minimal power. The brakes should easily be able to over-power the engine then -- with or without the power assist. They'd certainly slow the car, even if they couldn't stop it for some reason. And the driver wouldn't necessarily be "shocked" by the situation. Again, even if they were shocked, their first reaction would likely be to jump on the brakes, which should have no trouble slowing the car. And if they dropped it into a lower gear, the car would still slow down (again, assuming they don't jump on the gas to un-stick the pedal). Both should give them time to collect their thoughts, then make a controlled maneuver toward the side of the road, and allow them to turn the key to kill the engine and coast to a stop. This hardly sounds like an imminently life-threatening situation ... unless you were cruising at high-speed toward a cliff or brick wall with the cruise control on and decided to slow down too late, anyway. The pedals may stick and Toyota's fix may cure that issue, but I truly wonder whether it will put an end to the unintended acceleration incidents that have caused so many deaths. Hopefully it will. But, to me, the pedal doesn't sound like the cause, and therefore the pedal-fix doesn't sound like the cure." ( Der har været lidt diskussion om forskel i pedal-layout mellem amerikanske og japanske/europæiske biler. Amerikanske biler er fra fødslen med automatgear, mens de fleste japansk/europæiske er født med en koblingspedal, der så siden er fjernet igen i forbindelse med automatgearet. De indvolverede bilister har kort sagt selv trådt speederen bund mens de troede de bremsede. Audi havde jo en tilsvarende "skandale" for 30 år siden med Audi 5000 (Audi 100 i Europa), hvor man aldrig fandt en årsag til bundgas, men "skandalen" udraderede Audi i Nordamerika i 15 år. Det tør Toyota ikke risikere, så de gør et-eller-andet, specielt i pressen.
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